It’s all in the wrists

wrist stretch on wallWhether you’ve been doing cartwheels (please teach me how!) or typing all day, take the pressure off your wrists and lower arms with these 5 quick and easy stretches.

1. Neck & Shoulder Release

Tension in the neck and shoulders leads to tension in the arms and hands. So we’ll start here. Stretching your neck and shoulders every day, not only helps your upper limbs, but also improves circulation to your Brain. Lymph node drainage, thyroid function, and even your vocal cords benefit from supple flexible muscles in this area.


Allow your right ear to release down onto your right shoulder, taking at least a minute for allowing the ear to rest down towards the shoulder.Repeat on the left hand side. Yes the ear should touch the shoulder. Please send me a photo when this happens!

Next, bring your chin down onto your chest. Keep the back of the next long and imagine you’re holding a soft peach under your chin.

Lift your chin up to the sky, imagine you’re holding the soft peach behind your neck. Allow the front of your throat to soften and your shoulders to release. Take a few breaths here, then slowly lower your chin back to centre and draw your ears back over your shoulders. Lengthen up  through the crown of your head to the sky.

From here, bring your chin down onto your chest, roll it very slowly over to your right shoulder, back to centre, then over to your left shoulder. Do this a few times, moving with internal awareness, one millimetre at a time…slowly!

2. Flex your Prayer Pose:

Bring your palms together in Prayer Position in front of your heart.


Turn the backs of your palms around to rest against each other. Line up the backs of each finger and the back of the thumbs.

Anybody remember the rhyme: “Here is the Church, here is the steeple, look inside and see all the people” No, just me?!

Namaste back of palms facing

Draw the forearms down until your elbows bend at 90 degrees. Like Katy’s….

Katy Bowman Church Palms

Hmm…Don’t worry if this doesn’t come naturally!

Allow the sides of your neck to release, all the way down to the wrists, and out into the thumbs. The more often you do this stretch, the easier it will become.

3. Opposable Thumbs

“Opposable” means that the joint of the thumb allows the tip of the thumb to touch the tip of each finger on the same hand. It’s the only finger that can do that!


For fun, see if you can get your baby finger to touch each other finger on the same hand, one at a time. It won’t be on the tip, but try to make contact even on the side. Then try to get your ring finger, then your index finger to touch all other fingers one at a time. How easy or difficult it is to do it depends on the tension in your hands, forearms or even neck. Give it a try and remember to do both hands!

4. Bringing Namaste back

As I mentioned, tension in your shoulders can affect your arms and hands. This stretch helps to identify tight spots in your upper back and shoulders, and how to release them:


Back of hand on backStep 1: Reach your right arm behind you, bending your right elbow and place the back of your hand on your mid-back. Keep the arm straight across and hold here for one minute. Your lower arm will be horizontal, parallel to the floor.

Palm on back vertical

Step 2: Now, try to bring it vertical, so the hand travels towards the back of your neck and your elbow releases down towards the right hip. Try not to arch your back, keeping your pelvis and spine in a neutral Tadasana, standing position.

Palm on back

Step 3: Lower the arm back to it’s horizontal position (Step 1). Then flip your palm, so it rests against your back. Draw the arm up to vertical once more, keeping the palm facing onto the back and the shoulder blades drawing down your back.If the Shoulder Blade is winging a lot, i.e the bony edge of the shoulder blade is poking out of the skin, bring your elbow forward towards your front. Repeat Steps 1-3 on the left arm.

Paschima Namasarasana

Finally, reach both arms behind you and bring the backs of the hands facing each other, lowering the forearms until the elbows bend at 90 degrees.

Then, flip the palms, so that they face together in Reverse Prayer Pose (Pashchima Namaskarasana) behind your back.

See more on Pashchima Namaskarasana here.


5. Yoga for Wrist Strength: Read Part 1  here.

Wrist stretch fingers on thighs

Daily Life: Whole Body Movement

When moving your limbs in a pushing or pulling motion, remember that your strength and energy comes from the centre of your body, and travels outwards from here to the extremities.

Whether playing tennis, pushing a buggy, or reaching for the water cooler, try to move from your centre. Whole body movement brings strength to the muscle and takes stress off your joints.

The next time you’re raising your arm to reach out, visualise the movement coming from your tummy button out into your arms, extending down through the fingertips, and reach beyond, so you bring strength in your actions through from your core. Whatever you’re reaching for, always try to move from your centre. This is Whole Body Movement.

YouTube loves your wrists

Wrist Stretches: from

Carpal Tunnel SyndromeI prefer an empty glass to a bucket of sand 😉


If you have any questions on wrist stretches or on the sequences we do in class, please leave a comment. If you try the stretches & they work, please click ‘like’! Your feedback is appreciated.

Enjoy 😉

(Revolved) Namaste


Sources and credits:

Katy Bowman, Alignment Matters. ISBN: 978-0-9896539-0-9

Lee Hayward

Top 5 Fitness Tips for Office Workers

A decade ago, I worked in IT. At first I loved my job, travelled a lot, and had great managers, who taught me so much. By my third year in however, I had gained 2 stone, was suffering from low back pain, low energy, insomnia, and spending a huge chunk of my wages on various healing remedies, including phsyio, chiropractic, counselling, alcohol, cigarettes and anti-depressants. After working all day, and not eating properly, I would get home after 7pm, and veg out on the sofa in front of the TV with a takeaway and a bottle of wine. I resented the long hours that work demanded, and found I had little time at the weekend to get chores done and be ready again for Monday. My energy was zapped. I lived for holidays, rarely investing my weekday time in my health or in doing things I loved like developing talents and hobbies.

It goes without saying I was becoming less fun to be around!

Luckily, I had great support from my managers, who encouraged me to go for Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and get back to myself. So, what did that mean? Mostly it meant a better diet and a lot more movement day to day. I took up aqua-aerobics in the evening, swimming and Pilates during my lunch-break, joined a gym, tried Gymnastics, and remembering how much I used to enjoy practicing yoga, joined a weekly class. Then, a friend showed me the GI Diet book. (Thanks Caitriona!) Being illiterate in home-economics, the whole idea of cooking from scratch and balancing calorie intake with expenditure was completely novel to me! At the grand old age of 25 I made my first quiche, curry, bread, pasta sauce….all the ready-meals I’d been living off now prepared in my own kitchen. The weight fell off.

Over ten years has gone by since I decided to daily invest in my health and fitness. The changes I’ve gone through are incredible. I said goodbye to anti-depressants and smoking, and so long to double rum and coke. (Thanks to two kids and sleep deprivation, these days one glass of wine is plenty!) I no longer crave highs because I no longer have the lows. Daily diet and exercise have a HUGE part to play in maintaining my weight and fitness levels. No matter what your day job, there is always a way to improve your wellbeing status from couch potato to 5k a day. And the healthier and fitter you become, the more life opens up for you. You just need to find your motivation. Better quality of life? Better sleep? Better looking?!…happy body, happy mind, happy heart.

Looking after my health gave me the confidence to try new sports like surfing, windsurfing, and fun fitness classes such as Adult Ballet, Zumba, Tango and Salsa dancing to name a few. Investing in my hobbies and love of learning has helped to keep me young at heart and improved my fitness. I’ve expressed my creativity in photography and art classes, painting, glass-blowing, stained glass, ceramics, and realised that I also love to cook. Celebrating my gifts and talents, while daily exercising my right to move, is the key to happiness and helping others. It’s hard to be depressed when preparing a vegan meal for your mates, learning some awesome yoga arm balances, or exhausted and elated after your first 20k!

Life isn’t perfect. Things happen outside of your control. And some nights bring less than 2 hours sleep. Regardless of life’s curveballs, you can always control the types of food and movement you opt for on a daily basis. The way you move and eat matters. Moving your body throughout the day is my top tip for improving your fitness at work.

“If it’s to be, it’s up to me.” It’s true we overestimate what we can do in a day and underestimate what we can achieve in a year. You are responsible for your energy, your behaviour, your thoughts, words and deeds. If you think it you can be it. Manage your energy everyday throughout the day. Is the food you are choosing to eat contributing to your overall energy and fitness levels or is it taking from them? Manage your time outside work to maximise your food options at work. Bake some healthy bars on a Sunday, get up earlier to make lunch, pack a salad and fruit. Meditating for 3 minutes before you eat, or eating mindfully for the first 3 minutes, will improve your mood, and over time, your food choices.

When standing or sitting, check your alignment. How we hold ourselves affects our energy levels. Stack your joints so that your feet are aligned with the outer edges straight, take your hips back so the weight is over your heels and the toes can lift. Take your shoulders back over your hips, and ears back over your shoulders. Slide the front bottom ribs down towards your hips. Feel your lower tummy drawing back towards your spine and lengthen up through the crown of your head. Once you realise you’re in charge of your energy and your time, it’s easier to make positive choices. Follow my tips below and you will see your fitness levels soar!

5 Top Tips for office workers to up their fitness:

1. “Move your body!”

Cycle or walk part, if not all, of your journey to work. Get off one Bus or Luas stop before your final destination. Walk a different route to work twice a week, to give your brain visual and mental stimulation. Walk on the textured surfaces that you find, not just on the smooth pavement. This will keep you more alert, and will give your eyes a break from staring at your iPhone or computer screen. If you need to drive, park further away from your office and walk the rest of the way. Keep your trainers to hand or go barefoot in summer. WALK everyday. No excuses!

2. “Walking is wonderful”

If you have lower body ability, find reasons to walk at work. Discuss project ideas with a colleague at work while taking a walk. Outside. A walking meeting is a great way to squeeze exercise into your busy workday. Take the stairs instead of the lift. Walk over to someone’s desk at work rather than calling them on the phone. Walk up escalators rather than standing still. Fill your water bottle from the cooler two floors below. We need to walk 3-5 miles per day to keep our joints healthy and our bones strong. Maximise your lunch-break with a 15-20 minute brisk walk. Wear a pedometer to track your mileage. If you have more creative walking ideas, I’d love to hear them!

A walking meeting, great way to squeeze exercise into your workday

3. “Stand, Stretch, Squat”

Stand while talking on the telephone. Perform head, neck and shoulder rolls: Chin to chest, chin to ceiling. Right ear to right shoulder, back to centre, left ear to left shoulder. Roll your arms and shoulders forward and back. Stretch your arms overhead, and side to side. Swap your chair for Chair Pose: Put the “OUU” into Utkatasana as you sit back (bum out!) and down. There’s a reason why they call it “Powerful” Pose…raise your arms up if you love to Chair!

Try Katy Bowman’s #4 pose while sitting on the edge of your chair. KB #4 Piriformis StretchThen try it freestanding. Start in Tadasana, Mountain pose. Cross your right ankle over your left thigh. Bend your left knee, hips back and down. Palms together in front of your heart. Think happy thoughts…

If  squatting is not an option, begin with lower leg stretches. Stand with your feet hip-distance apart, outer edges aligned in parallel, facing your chair, 1-2 feet in front of you. Place your hands on the seat and draw your hips back over your heels, so you’re making an L-shape over your chair. Lift your tailbone up to the ceiling. Lift up your toes or rest them on a rolled-up mat/suit/foam roller/cable cover and feel the stretch along your calves. See Katy Bowman’s brilliant blogpost ‘You Don’t Know Squat’ for excellent prep stretches, proper alignment and truly professional squatting technique 😉

Double calf stretch

Double Calf Stretch – prep for squat

Squat for 10 seconds, sit, twist your torso from side to side, then stand again. See if you can get the person on the phone to squat too. Build up to 1 minute squats. Set an alarm on your laptop to remind you to stand,stretch,squat every 45 minutes. Set up a squatting time challenge with your desk neighbours and reward the monthly winner. 20 hours squatting in 30 days deserves at least a free ticket to the cinema!


Katy Bowman’s Beginner’s Squat. Work towards heels on the floor and knees back over your heels.

4. “Align for Life”

5-exercises-at-work-wrist stretches

To avoid RSI, stretch your wrists

Check your alignment. Again. How far forward of your neck did your head travel when reading that last email?! Stack your joints so that your feet are aligned with the outer edges straight, take your hips back so the weight is over your heels and the toes can lift. Then take your shoulders back over your hips, and ears back over your shoulders. Slide the front bottom ribs down towards your hips. Arms by your sides, draw your triceps towards your waist, and allow your shoulders to travel down away from your ears. When typing keep your lower arms and wrists straight, bending from your fingers rather than your wrists. See my blog posts on wrist stretches for some easy examples you can do at your desk.

When your body is properly aligned, your muscles will tone naturally. Lower leg stretches and squats are two of the best things you can do at work to improve your pelvic floor alignment and core strength, both of which are affected by prolonged sitting on your tailbone. Sit forward on your sit bones and keep a small curve in your lower back while drawing your lower tummy towards the back of your chair. Check out my posts yoga for pelvic floor health.

5. “Move more!”

Exercise before or after work, or during your lunch break. Your office may have a gym, or you may have access to a nearby swimming pool or tennis courts. Ask HR for the name of your Employee Health and Wellness programme officer. Nicole Crawford from Breaking has a good article on why keeping mobile is so important for desk workers: Show it to your HR H&W Programme Officer. Make them jump out of their seat with the scary info-graphic below. Then lobby for FREE lunch-time fitness classes. Like pilates. And yoga! Give HR my number to book a demo 😉

Regular movement classes that teach correct alignment, balance & weight-bearing exercises, will help you to maintain a healthy body, and up your fitness at work.

Bad chair. Good chair pose squat!

Image 1:Hemera/Thinkstock

Image 2: Esther Ekhart ‘Utkatasana’ Chair Pose,

Image 3: Katy Bowman #4 Stretch Piriformis Holiday

Image 4: Katy Bowman Double Calf Stretch

Image 5: Katy Bowman Beginner’s Squat

Image 6: Jupiterimages/Goodshoot/Think stock

Image 7:

I like big butts and I cannot lie…

Ladies! (and gentlemen who sit a lot) The key to a strong pelvic floor, is not Kegels! Ever been told by your physio that you have hypertone in your pelvis, yet when you sneeze you pee? (Nevermind going for a run or trying a jumping jack?!) Overly tight muscle is WEAK muscle.

To avoid a future filled with adult nappies, relax your pelvic floor, give it some length, and fire up your glutes!

The best thing about strong glutes, not only will they support your Pelvic Floor, they also protect your SI Joints and Lower Back.From office yogis to postnatal mums, the key to longterm pelvic floor health is not your chair, it’s your Chair Pose Squat! Try this today, every time the phone rings, settle back into your chair pose for a good long chat.Esther Ekhart shows how:

Got low back pain? Get a better squat. The right squat will see your overactive thighs turned off while you switch on your glutes. Here’s how: sit back into your squat, feet hip distance apart, outer feet edges in parallel, knees over heels, send those shins BACK! You need your knees over your heels to activate the correct muscles to support your back and Pelvic Floor.

Prepare for your squat with Katy Bowman’s Double Calf Stretch: Double calf stretch

For how to do squats safely, or if you have a gym ball in your office, see Physio Michelle Henway’s guide to squats, though I would put emphasis on the glutes, rather than the thighs. Anyone care to comment?

So, you’re on the phone, you’ve remembered to smile, align your feet, breathe out annnnd…lower down into it. Smile and squat. Your butt needs to be out behind you, not tucked underneath. Feels easy? Sit lower, and lower and lower…enjoy!


Not saying background music helps to hold a squat but:


Follow your squat with this easy hip-releasing stretch:

Maybe KatyB & Sir Mix A Lot could make a remix, that would be heaven!

Love your body (even the pee-sneeze parts). Love squats 😉